Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use a belt system?
Yes, at Raptor Martial Arts students taking traditional classes will train with the goal of advancing their belt rank and beyond. There are 10 colored belt rank levels students must work toward in order to achieve their black belt. All student will begin in their first class as a white belt. Advancing to the next belt level is reached based on a test given by the instructor when the amount of time spent training has been achieved. If the instructor believes the student is ready earlier, the offer will be presented to the student by the instructor.
What do I wear?
Regular students are provided with and train with the proper uniform (AKA Do-bok or Do-gi) while participating in our martial arts program. When you first arrive we suggest wearing comfortable clothes that allow you to move, kick and punch *No Jeans*. We also offer the option to purchase a RMA shirt to wear in place of the uniform top.
Hyper Club students receive a custom team uniform
What style is it?
Raptor Martial Arts is a unique blend of styles from around the world. At our school you will learn self defense through grab defense, kicking, punching, blocking, and more. Raptor Martial Arts embodies elements of:
Korean: Taekwondo & Tang Soo Do
Japanese: Shotokan & Okinawan Karate
Chinese: Wing Chun Kung Fu
Thailand: Muay Thai
America: Kick Boxing & Modern Self Defense
By using this blended approach, students have the opportunity to learn how to defend themselves both offensively & defensively at a distance & up close as the need arises.
Do I need to have previous knowledge in martial arts?
No, you do not need to have a background in martial arts or self defense in order to participate in our classes.
We will train students at any skill level. However, if you do have previous experience in another martial art, we
would have you start at the basic white belt level and progress at your own speed, based on your skill level.
Can I bring a a water bottle?
We highly encourage bringing your own water bottle to class, but we have water available for those that may have forgotten to bring one.
Is there a bathroom?
We do not have a bathroom directly in the school, but there is access to a portable bathroom beside the entrance to the studio.